Legislative Action

Legislative Agenda 2019

HB 3427

The Student Success Act provides a historic $2 billion dollar investment in Oregon’s education system. At least $400 million will be invested in early childhood education to ensure that every child has the opportunity to thrive. $1 billion dollars will go directly to school districts to provide a well-rounded education by investing in smaller class sizes, mental health supports, and other programs addressing academic disparities. $600 million will be invested in statewide initiatives like universal school meals, professional learning for educators, Measure 98 initiatives, and culturally specific strategies to close the opportunity gap experienced by students of color.

HB 2015

Provides the community members the opportunity to obtain a drivers license. 

HB 1008

Refocuses Oregon’s youth justice system on rehabilitation rather than incarceration. The bill mitigates the criminalization of youth caused by Measure 11, a mandatory minimum sentencing scheme that has disproportionately impacted youth of color. The bill places youth accused of any crime in the youth justice system instead of adult prison. It gives youth an opportunity for a “second look hearing” halfway through their sentence. And, it repeals life without parole sentences for youth.

HB 5050

A $2 million dollar Oregon Immigrant Defense Fund will be used to provide free legal services to low-income residents facing deportation. Everyone deserves access to fair representation and due process. Legal representation in immigration court significantly increases a person’s chances of preventing deportation. The federal government should not be allowed to forcibly separate immigrant children and families simply because they cannot afford an attorney. 

HB 3310

The Oregon Voting Rights Act prohibits school districts, education service districts, and community college districts elections from impairing members of protected classes, including communities of color, from having equal opportunities to elect candidates of their choice or having equal opportunity to influence election outcomes. Often, protected classes have their voices diluted through the election process. One way that happens is by having district-wide at-large positions instead of having each board member represent a specific geographical segment of the community. This bill will ensure these elections are in line with the National Voting Rights Act by giving voters from protected classes the ability to sue in state court.